Friday, June 12, 2015

The Student Sayings Of Joe Friday On Fridays From Los Angeles, California Case Ninety-Nine

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #6, 14504-108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8

June XIIth, MMXV

Hon. Dave Eggen, B. Ed., MLA, Minister of Education, New Democratic, Edmonton-Calder

Dear Dave:

While on vacation at his high school class reunion, Sergeant Joe Friday of the Los Angeles Police Department is unexpectedly thrown onto the hate crimes file like the late & great Edmonton Police Service Constable Daniel Woodall & runs into verbal garbage & disrespect from an old classmate named Paul who has is considering joining a paramilitary organization bent on destruction, just like the shooter who died in the house fire & unfortunately took away Cst. Woodall from his family, his friends & his EPS colleagues & the general public too early. Joe is worried about Paul's racial tendencies & that he might want to convert kids to these viewpoints. He also points out that many citizens including police officers went to fight Nazism & the evil it does in WWII, & many of those gave their lives so that he & future generations of L.A. students (& students in general worldwide) could live in peace & harmony! Racist cops in the St. Louis Missouri Police Department (SLMPD), Baltimore Police Department & others better just listen to the wise words of Sgt. Friday. This is a cop that's not "black", not "white", but steel blue in his goal to "protect the innocent!"

"Paul I can't speak for the Department but I'll say this: We want help; we welcome help, from legitimate groups and responsible citizens. Now that doesn't include people who yell 'Spy!' every time they hear an accent; or who look under the bed at night for a seditionist; it doesn't include racists--white or black--& it lets out people who think legitimate protest is unconstitutional or that change is treason. It excludes nuts on either fringe, Paul--the guy who sees an anarchist in every kid with long hair. It excludes the Fielder Militia. Patriotism? Shoot 'em all down! That may be your philosophy, Paul, but it's not mine, & I don't think it's the Department's either. We work it a little different in this country. I wear a badge, Paul--not a swastika."

I Also Hate Nazis Joe & Lets Hope The Funeral IV Cst. Woodall Is A Great Tribute,


Source: "Dragnet", C. Columbia Broadcasting System, A Mark VII Production.

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