Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Putting The Public First

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#6, 14504-108 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1G8

August XIIIth, MMXIV

Hon. Jeff Johnson, B. Ed., MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Athabasca-Sturgeon-RedH2O

Dear Jeff:

The Public Affairs Bureau (PAB), for which the sitting Premier is the minister for doesn't get the recognition it deserves. Former Madam Premier Alison Redford, QC: Not An MLA & Already Crying Everyday At The Lack Of Attention She Is Getting used to try & manipulate the bureau inII doing things like destroying the reputations of disabled & poor folks & put out lies about them & then charge it to the taxpayer. This is of course something I of course would never stoop to & for students looking II get inII the provincial civil service, I would suggest they look into PAB.

The PAB & its affiliated layers never served to manipulate the public in the terms of office of Premiers Manning through Stelmach. Nor are they doing it with current Premier Dave Hancock, QC, MLA, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud. However, during the time of Premier Redford, they were used to manipulate messages such as flight logs (according to the Auditor General's report & other investigations), as well as cause problems for average Albertans who Premier Redford saw as a direct threat to her Premiership (in otherwords, every citizen in the province, starting with her entire PC caucus.) They were also requested to help in covering up taxpayer funded $10,000.00 breakfasts & lunches by Premier Redford at the Hotel Macdonald when she could have eaten at the Legislature Cafeteria or made herself a brown bag lunch at her Edmonton apartment like any normal citizen.

PAB work hard at getting Her Majesty's Government's message out 24/7/365 (366 in a leap year.) They are dedicated to making sure that the government is responsive II the needs of the Alberta populace & that we can as a citizenry truly access the services we need. I would be proud II work IV them & I encourage Alberta students to look at this fine government department as a possible career path!

"Captain: My Captain",


Source: Www.PublicAffairs.Alberta.Ca.


Colin F. Smith said...

"The PAB & its affiliated layers never served to manipulate the public in the terms of office of Premiers Manning through Stelmach. Nor are they doing it with current Premier Dave Hancock, QC, MLA, Edmonton-Whitemud." Rory, that would make a cat laugh.

rory said...

The thing is Colin, James Redwing Cat Koopmans aka "J.R." couldn't purrist the temptation as I gave him a bag of "Temptations" cat treats as a reward. U c, he did it b/c he can't help it & in preparation for the fact that in 5 days there are ALL NEW DALLAS episodes! So u can c why he threw a hissy fit & purrsisted!