Friday, July 11, 2014

The Student Sayings Of Joe Friday On Fridays From Los Angeles, California Case Fifty-One

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #23, 9731-174 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5T 6G4

July XIth, MMXIV

Hon. Jeff Johnson, B. Ed., MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Athabasca-Sturgeon-RedH2O

Dear Jeff:

Due II an influx of youth gang attacks being coordinated between San Diego, San Francisco, & Los Angeles to keep police off guard, police stations are overcrowded & thus Sergeant Joe Friday & Officer Bill Gannon of the Los Angeles Police Department have to hold their coordination meeting to get troubled youth off the streets inII safe treatment programs in a more crowded central office, rather than in the regular Squad Room where officers have their assigned duty desks. They delicately question a college student who is using undue influence over the younger members by feeding them alcohol and drugs, both illegal street and stolen prescription narcotics. They want to find out what the start date of the next assault is going to be & if its going to be in one, two, or all three cities at the same time, thus causing unabashed chaos for police units.

"Its about "Geronimo." That's the gang's code word for the what your setting up isn't it?" 

Sounds Like Lots Of Coordinating With The San Diego & San Francisco Police Departments Joe,


Source: "Dragnet", C. National Broadcasting Company, A Mark VII Production.

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