Sunday, June 10, 2012

"I'm Gonna Bring Bobby Down, Even If I Have II Destroy Ewing Oil II Do It!"

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2

June Xth, MMXII

Hon. Jeff Johnson, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Athabasca-Sturgeon-RedH2O

Dear Jeff:

Bravissimo IV Bravo Television, TV Land, Turner Network TV & CBS TV. The epic story of the Ewing brothers & their sons is being brought back with the return of "DALLAS", XXI years after it left the air. A show that should have never been cancelled. Business students & graduates with business degrees take note, the show focuses on the battle IV control of :"Ewing Oil" between brothers J.R. (John Ross) Ewing The IInd & Bobby James Ewing with J.R. representing the evil, & Bobby the good of business.

J.R. played ever so deftly by Larry Hagman is trying to get John Ross Ewing The IIIrd (his son) to gain final control of Ewing Oil, the family ranch, plus all the other assets of the Ewing empire. Brother Bobby Ewing  (played by the superb Patrick Duffy) is trying to do the exact same with his son, Christopher Ewing. In business, such as in life you need both good & bad to meld inII decisions that are IV the common good. The irony is J.R. & Bobby fight, but they are both Ewings, as are their sons. So at the end of the day, they are stuck living in the same house & at points must work together for the company's well being, even if they later go back to feuding. I mean that has got II make Jeff I think IV some interesting dinner conversations. Basically, it shows the function & dysfunction of the Ewings, & students should realize they are just like any other family.

It also shows that no side should have any tactical advantage/disadvantage over the other, in this way, each side has a 50% chance of winning or losing. Throw in archrival ol' Cliff Barnes & J.R.'s ex-wife Sue Ellen stirring the pot against J.R., even though it could affect her son's chances of gaining majority control of the company & you have one hell of a mix!

Watch The Premiere, Year XV, Episode 378, Wednesday, June XIIIth On Bravo, Channel XXXVI In Alberta & Get Students II Watch & Learn "The Oil Bidness" (Business) Stratagem,


Source: Myself & Www.Bravo.Ca & Lorimar Telepictures Incorporated. Dallas, Texas, The United States Of America.

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