Sunday, January 8, 2012

This Is An Ex-Husband II Be Applauded

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2

January VIIIth, MMXII

Hon. Thomas Lukaszuk, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Castledowns

Dear Thomas:

Here is an ex-husband who ought to be honoured & appreciated. Still such great friends with his ex-wife & her current boyfriend, he goes down to search IV them. They were obviously dead IV a long time, but here this man has II go all the way II Mexico II find their bodies. He found at least III bodies, so this exposes Mexican authority's as paid off & corrupt by drug cartels & gangs II look the other way.

Jacy Wright successfully went on the hunt II the full II find the bodies of his ex-spouse, a University Of British Columbia (UBC) student Ximena Osegueda & her boyfriend Alejandro Alvarado didn't deserve II die. They were just on vacation, relaxing, loving one another, and spending quality with eachother so that they could get ready II start their life journey IIgether. I guess all we can take from this is II always tell your family & close friends where you are. Try as much as possible II remain safe & make sure you get private security if needed, especially in nations like Mexico where police & authorative corruption is quite rampant. Not just students, but all people's.

Do Your Travel Research Ahead Of Time II Ensure Greater Safety,


Source: Www.BorderlandBeat.Com.

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