Friday, January 13, 2012

Saving Private Lynch

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., #203, 8912-156 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2

January XIIIth, MMXII

Hon. Thomas Lukaszuk, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Castledowns

Dear Thomas:

Iraqi veteran, hostage, & war hero, retired  Army Pvt. Ist Class Jessica Lynch has just added, "B. Ed." behind her name. Plus she is the "Goodwill ambassador" for the Dolly Parton literacy program IV the sovereign state of West Virginia. This is a great program that has been mentioned in this blog in previous entries.

Parents basically sign up for it at local library's & community centres, then their child is sent sent a book a month in the mail from birth II age V. So in otherwords, a stimulus full on in the brain right up to the day they start Kindergarten. Its called "Dolly Parton's Imagination Library" & it has branches worldwide. All I can say is, Ms. Parton sure picked an outstanding individual to run & coordinate the West Virginia campaign II improve literacy rates in that state!

A Real Hero,


Source: Cable News Network's (CNN's) "Piers Morgan Tonight" & Www.ImaginationLibrary.Com.

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