Sunday, June 12, 2011


Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin.
#203, 8912-156 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5R 5Z2

June XIIth, MMXI

Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA
Minister of Education,
Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud

Dear David:

My feline son James Redwing Cat Koopmans likes to of course nip & bite a little. This is of course part of his hunter instinct. He nipped at my feet & legs a bit too hard & so I changed him on veterinary advice from a Vet over the phone II a diet with a little bit less protein. I've also gotten a special new dietary cat food in dry format II make him less agressive. Veterinary students will tell you David that changing up his food intake under careful instruction & medical guidance will make things better for not just your pet. But IV the folks he has agreed II let live with him, namely his "Nana" or grandmother & myself. We don't want James to hurt himself, or be tempted to hurt others. I & many other pet owners just want II make life better IV him as he makes life better fur us.

I am also going II head to the Doctor IV a checkup as I have been feeling under the weather lately. The less healthy I am, the less able I will be able to take care of my feline son & make sure he is growing up strong & purroud. Get medical treatment if you are bitten hard by a cat, including bandages all the way through rabies & other shots if necessary. Students growing up with pets in their home need II be aware that the better they look after them as kids, the smarter & better they will be able II manage human children in adult relationships of their own later in life.



Source: Myself.

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