Thursday, November 25, 2010

What A Brave Little Boy

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Calder (Kensington) Public Library Terminal #VI, Edmonton, Alberta

November XXVth, MMX

Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud

Dear David:

I cannot tell you how proud I am of the little III year old boy in Vancouver, British Columbia yesterday. Held hostage at knifepoint by some crazy nutjob IV about VIII hours & he didn't even cry. He didn't even cry when he was cut in the face. I mean talk about a brave little gaffer. His mama when she saw him in the Ambulance must have been so proud! I know I am, & just feel that the Police, Ambulance, & arresting authorities did a wonderful job coordinating with the staff at the Community Centre, & with the local media II make sure the situation didn't get too out of hand, or spiral outside the walls of the room where the boy hostage & suspect were barricaded. This is one little boy who thankfully will have a chance II grow up. Hopefully, the suspect can get the medical & mental health help that he needs & will be put in a locked down facility where he can be safe & kept properly medicated around the clock.

No Small Feat,


Source: The Vancouver Sun, Doug Ward & Mike Barber.

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