Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lets Hear It IV The Ladies

Rory J. Koopmans, B. Admin., Lois Hole Public Library Terminal #XI, Edmonton, Alberta

March VIIth, MMX

Hon. David G. Hancock, QC, MLA, Minister of Education, Progressive Conservative, Edmonton-Whitemud

Dear David:

As we are now celebrating the eve of International Women's Rights Day, & I am in the Library named after one of the classiest ladies ever produced in Alberta, Lt. Gov. Lois Hole, I suggest we as males & you as Minister direct your staff to do the following. You should David get videos produced on female empowerment & promoting the equality of female students in this Province. In this way, not only males are taught respect IV women, but females are also taught to love & respect themselves.

The videos could be produced by friendly female leaders & teachers. They can also include the views of male adults who are friendly to the male cause. The videos could be produced at a school site, or perhaps by Alberta Education itself & then be sent out as a link to all schools for viewing provincewide.

There should David I think also be courses in Women's Studies as part of the High School Social Sciences curriculum. The courses should be 100% designed by females, but to ensure total equality & fairness, male students should be allowed equal access in taking the courses.

100% Equality IV The Female Gender,


Source: Maclean's Magazine.

1 comment:

Colin F. Smith said...

Good ideas, but as I'm sure you are well aware, pigs will fly before they are adopted by the current regime.